Friday, December 9, 2011

There's this place,
that you can't see
where I sow & grow
what belongs to me

It keeps me alive
it keeps me sane
it helps me wade
through your pain

What lives beneath
I won't ever share
Call me a cheat
I damn don't care

Drain me all good
grind me to my bone
'nuff of your fine skin
your hair, lip & tone

your smile won't buy
coz I no more sell
you keep them charms
and I won't ever tell

you give me all words
& it's still all the same
If you need to know
I see through your game

My mind's a traitor
and my heart's not mine
you keep your world
I know I’ll be fine

I shall walk good
as soon as I can
You work your street
I am, my own man

I shall rise as I have
walked the loop before
kill me again if you want
I shall still have my core

you can't bury me yet
no matter how it knells
you keep your music
and I shall keep my hell



Roopa said...


How do we know said...

wow! some very strong emotions there!! how did i miss this post?

Anshikka said...

amazing :) Powered by Blogger.