As I sit and look back at the year 2013, I see a stark similarity between it and 2012. Both these years have been kind to me in their own wa...
Till We Meet Again
I saw you standing there waiting a little longer as I turned round the corner. I stopped behind the wall and watched you wiping that lone te...
The Convenient Truth
I would have told you the truth but you wouldn’t have believed me. Maybe you would have thrown up on my face because of its bitter aftertast...
Foodie Files – Smoked Whitefish Salad
Smoking is the process of flavoring, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to the smoke from burning or smoldering plant materials, mo...
The Creature
I could hear the clock tick. Seconds wasted, dripping on the wet floor. I sat back and looked blankly at the static screen. Perhaps the chan...
Foodie Files – K..K..K...Keema, Kaleji, Kishmish & Korn…
A simple recipe but demands some patience and precision with the order of spices and ingredients. Used a pound of Kaleji (Lamb Liver) and ...
Closure…if at all
New Delhi, Friday September 13, 2013. The Saket district court in Delhi court finally handed out a death sentence to unemployed Mukesh Sin...
I begin with a question here “Once we capture a wild beast who has tasted blood, should we kill it, keep it captive in a cage or should we ...
Foodie Files – Onion Smothered Grilled Mackerel
Perhaps it isn’t such a good idea to follow one Mackerel post after the other but I guess it wasn’t such a bad idea to finish my pack of Mac...
Foodie Files – Pan Seared Mackerel with Fries
The authors of The Cambridge Economic History of Europe remarked “There are more references to stinking mackerel in English literature than...
Chennai Express (2013) – Derailed
Chennai Express for most of its length appears to be a badly done spoof of ‘DDLJ’ and is probably only matched by ‘Guddu’ for Shah Rukh’s wo...
The Otiose Undertaking
Finally, I see the futility of it all. I kept pouring myself out hoping that in due course, over years maybe I will empty myself and move on...
Foodie Files – Lamb Chops, the Primal Way
Don’t ask me where and how I landed on this primitive recipe. Let’s say a ghost of a Mughal era chef slipped this over in my sleep. This was...
Adding Colors…
Now this is a little photograph restoration Photoshop project that I took up and though it is not something unique but having accomplished t...
The days are just stop gap pauses, time to exhale. What I need is more, more access to the unknown, opening locks to the doors lost deeper w...
World War Z (2013)
I wouldn’t go as far as proclaiming ‘World War Z’ to be some sort of zombie magnum opus as the media is making it to be. Honestly, I walked...
Man of Steel (2013)
Produced By Christopher Nolan Directed By Zack Snyder Music Hans Zimmer Starring Henry Cavill Amy Adams Michael Shanon ...
Just a Note…
I know you are watching me here. I know that you come back every now and then to check if I had been writing, if I added anything of substan...
Now You See Me (2013)
It’s been some time since I watched a movie and it compelled me enough to make a full fledged post about it and not just a 2 line synopsis t...

You Don’t Love Me Anymore…
I stumbled upon this song listening to radio on my way back to work and I must admit that this is by far the most hilarious song I ever hear...
Foodie Files – Stir Fry Shrimp with Red Wine
Why won’t one shrimp share his toys with other shrimps? - Because he was a little shell-fish (….selfish…duh!!!) Perhaps the o...
Foodie Files – BBQ Wings with Jack Daniels Sauce
This is how I have known Jack Daniel’s all along. And this is what I found in one of my rec...
Immortality – A nightmare
“In my dreams, I see the men I have killed. They are all waiting for me on the other side of the river.” (Brad Pitt, as Achilles in Troy...
Washed Ashore…
The waves lash back and I sit stoned. There is a weight attached to every memory in your head. At times, it just smothers you under its load...
Foodie Files – Grilled Tilapia Salad
My Internet search tells me that fishing as a practice dates back to almost 40,000 years. However, when you are talking about a fish like Ti...
Am I the Voice in my Head!!!
Why was I born as the person I am and not you? Would I have the same life if I had been born in another part of the country or maybe another...
Foodie Files – Honey Glazed Pork Chops
There is something about pork chops that I find very delectable – maybe it’s just the texture of the meat or perhaps the fact that you can n...
Foodie Files – Braised Duck in Orange Sauce
First things first, about ‘braising’ as a cooking method – Braising is a combination cooking method using both moist and dry heat wherein th...
Foodie Files - Filet Mignon
The foodie in me rises again and maybe the days ahead will see me posting more about food and dishes and my latest culinary experiences. T...
The Street Art
I shot these two separate pictures using my phone in two different locations in Delhi a few weeks ago. The first one is a graffiti on the w...

Zindaa Hoon Main (ज़िंदा हूँ मैं)
Again something which I wrote years ago and which did not come to the fore for long. This has been on my website for a while but I guess ...