Thursday, October 3, 2013

I would have told you the truth but you wouldn’t have believed me. Maybe you would have thrown up on my face because of its bitter aftertaste and the ugly nudity. The slimy broth of words would have gelled at the rim of the glass, stinking the surface and forming a crust that you would have not been able to wash off using all the detergent in the world. It is true after all, that truth is stranger than fiction.

icebergSo, now I will feed you with a more realistic toned down rendition of the actual truth instead. I won’t lie to you, remember I had promised, that I won’t. But for your sake, let me sugar coat our truth and dip it into the bowl of your favorite flavor. I will then put the scoop of this figment on a crispy waffle cone and sprinkle few little details on it to make it look all the more attractive and believable and of course edible for you.

It won’t hurt your palette, won’t wreck your appetite or churn your guts. You will be able to wash it down easily with your daily glass of orange juice that I get for you. I will make it easier for you – not because I am afraid of its talons but because I know deep inside you need me to give you that story. I will do what you expect me to and nothing more.

There will be no mistakes, no unpleasant situations and no turmoil to shake anyone’s faith. That’s the magic – of the convenient truth. The iceberg floats, hidden and visible at the same time and we continue to live happily in our little soap bubbles floating in the air, beautiful to the eye, living the moment.

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