Thursday, September 27, 2012

I watched her from a distance. The simmering lights flickered about throwing shadows on the wall. She kept throwing glances at irregular intervals and continued toying with me. Her arsenal of smiles and shrugs wrecked havoc with my will and held me in a trance. A trance which had lasted a life time now.

From a Distance She was at an arm’s length – at a distance where I could have just pulled her towards me and staked a claim. I chose to remain a mute spectator. Moments passed by and minutes soon turned into hours. We stood there, guarding our practiced nonchalance. She continued moving about chatting up with people who were strangers to me. I kept holding onto my drink, recounting years one sip at a time.

Was it the first calling of an impending doom? Was it waiting to happen all along? As much as I thought about it, I couldn’t tell. 

In between that haze of knowing where your feet are and drifting afloat, there was that brief moment where the edges of light and dark diffused amidst that flimsy smoke that I looked right into her eyes and she looked back.

No words were exchanged. No smiles returned. Just a glance back and I knew what I stood watching could have been mine. It could have all been mine… Powered by Blogger.