Thursday, March 27, 2014


“Sun or Moon?”, she questioned.

“Sun, I guess” I quipped

“Why?” she demanded

“Because, Sun is real and Moon is artificial, just a fake reflection. The Sun is ardent and shows up daily, Moon deceives.”

“Hmm…and…” she wanted more.

“Well because while the Sun is a necessity, the Moon is ornamental. The Sun is life, the moon everything but life. The Sun inspires, the Moon conspires.”

“And…” she wasn’t satisfied.

“Hmm.. because, I work under the Sun and Moon usually keeps me awake. You know how I always have a difficulty when moonlight seeps in through the window and bothers me when I am trying to sleep.”

“Well, that’s not enough. Tell me more…” She still wanted to hear.

“Because, your smile is the Sunshine and Moon, just an odd tear on a freckled night sky and I love it when you smile and spread the sunshine.”

And she smiled…her question had been answered to satisfaction.

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