Friday, November 20, 2015

I put up a new sky for you tonight. I promise I will do that every night.

Stars1 Look out of your window when the Sun goes down. You will find a new bunch of stars every night, arranged in a new pattern. If you go back to your bed by the wall and see it from there you should be able to count 365 of them. Yeah, I left one for every day of the year.

These stars belong to you and to you alone. These are yours to keep or play with depending on what you choose to do. I will spread this mat every evening and leave it there until you wake up. Let these stars be a reminder that every day when you rise and open your windows to let the sunshine in, a star shall wait, beyond that light for the night to fall; waiting for you to give it a name and pin what you did during the day on it.

Collect these stars for me and some day I will come and claim the ones that have my name on them. Remind me to bring in the bottle of rain with me. We will get to the terrace and let those drops free, one by one. Maybe they will mix with the tears and trickle down the face of the clock washing the dust off the days gone by.

These are difficult times. The sleep is rare and the dreams have become expensive. I tried to barter a few pastel dreams the other day and it cost me a chunk of my heart. I had to bolt a piece of stone in its place. Maybe I should have brought you a few diamonds instead. They come cheap and need only some sweat and blood.

I need to ask you to do a few things for me. Whistle the song I taught you, the one we played thumping on the dinner table the other night when there was no food left. Also, pack my bags before you go to bed tonight. I will leave before you wake up. My journey is endless and my time counted. I may not return any time soon and you can rent out the space I occupied in the house. That should keep your fireplace alive in winters and the stoves hot.

I will scribble my name with my finger on the frosty glass of your window. Press your little nose on the glass and touch it before the dew washes it away. If the fog clouds your vision and you can’t see the sky, bring out the stars we saved together under the pile of our pictures and rub them over your eyes. The sparkle should set your course for a while.

You will never run out of these stars, I promise. For, I will put up a new sky for you every night, like I did tonight.

20 Nov 2015


The Cloudcutter said...

It's comforting to know that the sky is always filled with stars, whether we see them or not... beyond the dark clouds and thick fog and endless nights... through everything that makes this life least we have the stars, even if only in our dreams but they just make life worth living.

Beautifully written as always... Was well worth the wait since you've posted after a long time. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

:) keep writing...

How do we know said...

Its beautiful!! There is no other word for it.. just.. beautiful! Powered by Blogger.