Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Been a while since I posted anything. The last month or so has been a struggle of sorts. Struggle to settle back in the groove where I flew from and it hasn’t been easy. To make matters worse, there has been an assortment of issues lining up every day demanding attention, time and inevitably taking focus away from life as I knew it to be mine.

morningI guess it’s about time to go back to basics, stop whining and taking charge of things as I have known them to be. Time to shed the clutter, simplify and re-organize.

There are a few ideas in my head that shall probably take shape in days to come. Collaboration sits high up in the order and I will invite friends and readers to contribute and share to the cause in due course of time.

For now, it’s the way I began with this blog in the first place – a fresh morning and a mug of hot coffee.

Good morning people, looks like I am back. Powered by Blogger.