Saturday, October 27, 2012

This one follows from one of the posts written around the same time about three years ago. I guess some things don’t change. Catch the previous one HERE

It’s that time of the year again – time when one day slowly slips into the other without a fuss; when it becomes difficult for life to confine my dreams within the walls of my body; when the soul wants to escape into the clear blue skies and dreams collude to let hours slip away from the routine.

It’s that time of the year again – time that I know belongs to you. There is something about this smoky air which with every breath, fills my lungs with days from perhaps a different life. Every year, this despair rises one notch, maybe signifying that I am getting farther away from those days when it all started. Someday, I will be past the crest of this slope and the despair shall give way to an enthusiasm of knowing that this ordeal will soon end and I will be reunited with you – ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

That Time of The YearIt’s that time of the year again – time when every passing day brings in little extra chill in the year and some extra warmth into my being. It’s the time which reminds me of a throbbing heart that gushed blood to my face every time I stopped by your window. I wish I could still just take a walk to catch a glimpse but the distance has grown manifold incapacitating my limbs to carry my torso.

It’s that time of the year again – time when my tomb surfaces out from under the depths of the ocean only to be plundered and smothered and swallowed again. It’s the time of the year when I sit by my side and watch the Atlantis crumble again.

It’s that time of the year again – time when I again sit by the shores of the nights and watch the stars fade away into misty mornings; time when I can see a sigh break from my lips and be a part of the fog on the road.

It’s that time of the year again – time to say “Dear Winter, welcome again”.


Anonymous said... is that time of the year... misty mornings...nip in the air... Loads of memories down the lane... Powered by Blogger.