Thursday, September 9, 2010

I took the following pictures from my balcony this morning. The little boy was accompanying his father who worked as a trash collector in the residential complex I live in. Incidentally our neighbors on the ground floor had bought a new LCD TV recently and perhaps trashed its box today which was picked up by this boy. Can’t say if he viewed it as a toy or sellable cardboard that could get him his meal for the day.
Personally, I thought this was a glaring picture of the growing economic divide in the country. People on one end of this divide vie for luxury and comforts and are willing to spend obscene amounts of money on their gadgets and electronics while others continue to toil hard for their square meals and are denied basic education and health care.
Don’t want to add much.. the pictures speak for themselves.
Random 005
Random 015


Gaurav Kant Goel said...

Truely said and showed!

Rajiv said...

thoughts captured nicely :)

Roopa said...

Very True... Powered by Blogger.