I spent all my words today. The bag of words gaped at me with its wide, quizzing eyes. I guess, even it did not believe that I will be so wasteful to render it empty. I rummaged through it once again hoping I would get an ‘If’ or a ‘But’ or a measly ‘Because’ stuck in an odd thread that I could use, but the bag did not yield anything.
I stayed on, in silence, waiting hopelessly for things to fall in place on their own. They didn’t. You stared at me with disbelief and stood up. I couldn’t hold you back or stop you or even request you to stay a little longer. The words deserted me when I needed them the most. I had lost my voice and you had exhausted your desire and patience to listen.
I assume, you must have logged out then, that very moment perhaps. It took me a while to turn myself off and sign out of this life. The pause served its purpose well. It gave yourself an extra breath. It helped me sever another piece of my soul and throw away.
The Sun refuses to go away this evening. It’s still too bright for me to be burying my head in the pillow of darkness. Maybe I should use this extra time to do something worthwhile. There’s a pawn shop in the market. Maybe I will go and pawn this silence and buy a few words for what it is worth.
Maybe with those newly bought words, I will write myself a song – a soothing lullaby maybe. I will then curl up, tuck myself under those soft, fluffy clouds under the blue sky and sing myself to sleep.
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