Pick up the pieces of your shattered dreams and grind this detritus fine. Cry all you want in one go and use the water to knead this dust.
Mould this clay in shape of your broken heart and bake it with heat of your anguish, rage and sleepless nights. Use this as an urn to house all what was strung to your soul and bury it deep in the backyard of your hopes that were young once.
Time spares none. We age, our sheen fades and what was once marvellous dilapidates to an ugly sagging heap. Do not let this crumble your spirit. The flame gains strength as you consume the venom this life dishes out. Learn to distill the pain from your aching and tired body and use it as a fuel to kindle the fire inside.
Remind yourself of the ardor and zeal with which you moved and bask in the fading memory of what you stood for once – unabashed, uanpologetic for having loved and perhaps lost.
Free yourself. Cut your shackles down and pick yourself up. Fill your lungs with one last breath. Exhale. Let Go…
Absolutely loved it..
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